EuroVelo 1 – Atlantic Coast Route in France certified as a high-quality EuroVelo route!
Concretely, the EuroVelo Certification of the 1,300-km EuroVelo 1 – Atlantic Coast Route in France means that the entire route can be recommended to regular cyclists, and 87% of the route can be recommended to occasional cyclists, including cycle travel newbies.
Moreover, the sections between Rostrenen and Mûr-de-Bretagne, between Pontivy and Josselin and between Biscarosse Plage and Parentis-en-Born were shown to meet additional quality criteria and can be recommended to any cyclists, including families, disabled people, and users of special cycles (bikes with trailers, cargo bikes, tricycles, for example).
We confirm: EuroVelo 1 – Atlantic Coast Route in France is really for everyone!
The route's assets
EuroVelo 1 in France is also known as La Vélodyssée, and it connects Brittany’s wild shores with the Pyrenees on a high-quality route leading you through sunny beaches and picturesque towns, never far from the Atlantic Ocean. The route also crosses important cities such as Nantes, La Rochelle and Bayonne.

Discover the advised daily stretches on the La Vélodyssée website, which also includes information on places to visit along the route, where to sleep, where to repair your bicycle in case of need and how to access and travel along the route by train. Take a look at the France Vélo Tourisme website for extra information, too.
In terms of infrastructure, the major part of the route (76%) is separated from motorised traffic, while 69% has very smooth surfaces, making it very safe and comfortable for all users. The route is entirely signed with EuroVelo signs, allowing for easy navigation even without checking any map on the phone. The signs’ maintenance and further improvements are already planned by the consortium.
But the ECS methodology also includes criteria related to services and communication. As part of their EuroVelo Certification application, the collective of La Vélodyssée stated that there are 350 accommodation options labeled as cycle-friendly with the Accueil Vélo certification within 5 km of the route, as well as 22 bicycle repair shops or self-service stations, providing a good coverage of the route. EuroVelo 1 in France also counts 100+ rest areas, offering plenty of options to relax and enjoy your packed lunch on the route!
The route is now displayed in green on the EuroVelo website maps. According to the map legend that is available in the bottom-right corner of the interactive map, this is the highest quality level on the EuroVelo network.

About the EuroVelo Certification

The EuroVelo Certification quality label is awarded by the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF), which manages the EuroVelo initiative, after careful analysis of the survey data and proofs of route improvements communicated by the collective of La Vélodyssée in their application for EuroVelo Certification. The Certification is valid for five years – that is, until October 2029. EuroVelo 1 in France is joining EuroVelo 15 – Rhine Cycle Route, which was the only EuroVelo certified route so far!
The European Certification Standard (ECS) methodology, developed by ECF, allows to assess the quality of cycle routes based on data from a field survey, performed by EuroVelo Route Inspectors, and certify them if the quality criteria are met. Details of all sections along the route and their level of meeting the ECS quality criteria can be consulted in the Certification Report.
Article by Florence Grégoire
Cover photo: Aurélie Stapf, La Vélodyssée